Who are the key legislative leaders you should know?

photo from Javier Morales

Advocates in Together Oklahoma hear a lot about how to have an impact on their own two legislators.  We have a whole bunch of resources about how to connect with your two state legislators that right here. Some of you will be going to the polls to vote for a new legislator today if you live in SD 44, HD 46, or HD 75.

But which OTHER state elected leaders should you know?

If you were with us in our battle for a better budget this past Spring, you saw time and again that many of the big decisions came down to just four people:

THAT is why Together Oklahoma members went to The Tuttle Ice Cream Festival, and I had a great time there talking one on one with Representative Leslie Osborn.  AND that is why many of us will be going to The Porter Peach Festival  in Senator David’s district this coming Thursday, July 13th; Friday, July 14th; and Saturday, July 15th.

If you are serious about making a difference, sign up for a shift to join us at the peach festival. We are organizing carpools, providing food and drinks, and training our volunteers to make the essential connections to do a better job of creating an Oklahoma where people can thrive!  

If you’ve already signed up for the Peach Fest or the Norman Art Walk, great! Please take a moment to invite a friend or two to join you.  This is how we turn the tide and make Oklahoma the great place that we know it can be.  Will you join us?