State Questions confusion?

Photo by CollegeDegrees360 / CC BY-SA 2.0
Photo by CollegeDegrees360 / CC BY-SA 2.0

It is safe to say that either you are confused and/or maybe conflicted about these important state questions and/OR you know someone who is.  We need your help to make sure that Oklahoma voters know what they are voting for!

If you’ve voted before, you know that these state questions can be worded in legal terms that don’t always mean what you might think they mean the first time you read them. TAKE NOTES and please tell everyone you know to take notes with them into the ballot box. 

Don’t assume your friends and neighbors know the facts without your help. On our Together Oklahoma Facebook page I’ve seen many people saying they are voting either all YES or all NO on the SQs and that probably is NOT what most of us actually want to do.  Sometimes a yes means add to the state constitution, and some times yes means subtract from the state constitution, and some of them have nothing to do with the state constitution at all.  

You can find summaries and links to both sides of the debate on each question HERE.

The 2016 Oklahoma voter guide is a great resource and many groups have published their positions on these state questions so do a little research and make decisions that make the most sense for you.

You and I both know that Oklahoma needs your help!  If we want to turn this ship around we need all hands on deck and that means both you casting an informed vote and you helping other cast informed votes.  Together Oklahoma focuses on better budget and tax policies and which legislators y’all vote for on November 8th will determine a large amount of how easily we will be able to climb out of the budget crater next year.  Look up your candidates HERE and talk to your fellow constituents.

Let’s end with some good news.  WE DID IT!  I said we’d top 6,000 TOK subscribers by the end of October and as of today we are at 6,029.  Yeeehaw!  Thanks to all of you who helped spread the word and thanks to those of you who just joined.  If you haven’t filled out our Membership Form please do so we can match you with the advocacy opportunities that suit you best.

Have a great week, share the state question information, know your candidates, and feel encouraged by our growing ability to advocate for better policies and prosperity for all!